
After a long battle with neuroendocrine cancer, Sarah passed away on July 6, 2017.  I hope to be able, in the near future, to share more about her experiences during the months since her last post in March.  It has been difficult to find the time.

This page has been created to invite tributes to Sarah from anyone who is moved to offer one.  You may have already written something elsewhere that you can copy and paste here. Or, you may wish to reflect a bit and come back later.  It would be wonderful for Sarah's dear ones, whenever ready, to use this space to comment and to read about what she meant to us.  Further, these recollections will form a record that, one day, will be read by our daughters to help them remember Sarah, and enhance their appreciation of her.  Please share with us your memories and tributes, dear friends.


  1. I came to know Sarah well before and during the period 2007-8, when I had the joy of collaborating with Sarah when she was serving as Cluster Institute Coordinator for the Ruhi Training Institute. Her passion for the Faith and for teaching was clear. At that time, we all were really at the earliest stages of understanding this incredible educational process. She was outstanding in her region and had such a radiant, joyful spirit. During that time, another passion was evident as well. She was pregnant and was so utterly delighted. Her boundless love for her little one was evident and she spoke on every occasion about the joys of motherhood and her love for her beautiful children. This was clearly a precious arena of service for her and she was keenly attentive to any way to improve the lives of her young family. Her radiant spirit never wavered from this central love and service & was wedded always to the Ancient Beauty.

    Nica Treadwell

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  2. Sarah and I met through our connection to improve our health as mothers, wives and neighbors. She reached out to me and I was grateful for that because in the brief time that we knew each other I saw her as a beautiful, graceful, radiant soul with the brightest smile and cheeriest disposition, despite her physical challenges. She told me that her family was a driving force of support and I'm sure they were a huge reason for her persistence, determination and hope. I will always remember her as an inspiration and will aim to live my life more fully each day in honor of her.

  3. Sarah and I grew up near each other in southwest Virginia and may have met before college, but we really got to know each other at UVA in our university political organization. She was part of the group because she felt called to work for a more just, compassionate world. Sarah joined in various acts of service and work.... from making Valentines for seniors in assisted living to supporting hunger relief programs to working for candidates and on issues.... She did it all with such grace, selflessness, and gentleness toward others. I just read this poem today and thought of Sarah....

    And so I watched my mother’s hands grow scarred,
    She who could heal the wounded plant or friend
    With the same vulnerable yet rigorous love;
    I minded once to see her beauty gnarled,
    But now her truth is given me to live,
    As I learn for myself we must be hard
    To move among the tender with an open hand,
    And to stay sensitive up to the end
    Pay with some toughness for a gentle world.

    -May Sarton

    Beautiful Sarah stayed sensitive to the end, and payed with toughness for a gentle world. I am so grateful!

  4. We are so blessed to have had you in our lives as a friend, neighbor, nutritional consultant, spiritual advisor, role model, and and all around good human being. You and Mehrtash Olson were our very first friends in Blacksburg. I will never forget the many Sunday afternoons we spent at your house sharing teachings of Bahai with Ryan and Mona and singing songs together. These are sacred memories I will cherish each day when I pass by your house. Thank you for being such a giving person. We are very lucky to have had you for a visit last July. Mehrtash and the girls are welcome any time for future "play dates" and to recollect the good times.

  5. I'm sitting here thinking about Sarah and I can hear her laugh. It's a cute high pitched kind of giggle and it makes me smile. I miss that laugh. Sarah had the ability to bring lightness to a lot of situations. Always positive and optimistic unlike me. :) We met in Bradley method birth class and afterwards her, Rebekah, and I would rotate houses once a week for a hangout time with our new little ones. It was through those times I was encouraged, supported, and not alone while trying to figure out how to mother this tiny little human I had in front of me. She was inspiring. I wanted to eat better and take better care of myself after being around her. I learned with her and Rebekah that attachment parenting was the only way I wanted to parent and to always go with my gut instinct. She loved her little Mona fiercely and was never burdened or worn down by the constant care of a newborn. I miss her so very much but I'm so thankful I had a very sweet season of friendship with her.

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